Job Hunt

An important part of all our lives is – work. Our jobs define us and who we are. A Job is our source of livelihood, income, and occupation. It is not an exaggeration to say, that we will pend 33% of our lives – on the Job

So, isn’t it important to fine a good one? The right one for you?

What We Do

At JobHunt, we work with Canadian career advisors and HR agencies, to help YOU in your search for that ideal Canadian job.

With a combination of over 40 years of expertise and our agents on location, your JobHunt was never this Easy before!

Our Packages


  • Online interview with our Career Advisors
  • We re-write your CV to match Canadian job-market standards.
  • Our Career advisors search for Jobs in Canada that match your skills and submit your application. You receive a copy of each submission.
  • If a matching Job is found – the Career advisor will assist with your negotiations and contract.

60 Submissions



All the services of the Basic package, Plus:

  • Live online Video training with our Career advisor: “How to approach a job-interview with a Canadian employer”.
  • More Job submissions!
  • Consultation service – teaching you how to locate a Canadian Job independently – and doubling our effectiveness.

100 Submissions


All the services of the Basic and Advance packages, Plus:

  • Even more submissions!
  • Our Canadian HR affiliate company, based in Prince Edward island, will proactively contact companies and businesses, and join us in our effort to locate a position for you.
  • Discounts on buying additional submissions, if you need more (fill-up).

180 Submissions

Take the first step towards your

Canadian Visa